The ties between conservation and security have become increasingly clear. The world is less safe when criminals profit from stealing and poaching its wildlife and natural resources, and when shortages of fresh water, food, and other natural resources lead to instability and conflict.
Targeted U.S. investment in international conservation efforts contributes to America’s long-term foreign policy objectives and enhances U.S. economic and national security interests around the globe.

Works to enhance law enforcement to combat wildlife poaching and disrupt wildlife trafficking networks, while reducing demand for illegal wildlife products.

Invests in protecting fresh water, forests, fertile soil, and fisheries to promote economic stability and ensure food and water security for developing communities.

Helps protect and enhance natural defenses that make communities more resilient and less vulnerable to extreme weather and natural disasters.

Strengthens natural resource governance, legal trade, and sustainable supply chains to level the playing field for American workers and provide economic opportunities for U.S. companies in the developing world.

Prevents illegal and unregulated wildlife trade, deforestation, and destruction of wildlife habitats in hotspots for zoonotic disease spillover, helping to prevent the rise of global pandemics.